3D Modeling Visualizations to Enhance Your Conceptual Site Models
HRSC subsurface data tools such as the MIP or OIP can help identify contamination that exists at most environmental remediation sites. While this technology is shaping the future of site characterization and remediation designs, one project can generate thousands of data points. Tables and reports can be difficult to interpret and your contamination plume can be hard to determine. Additionally, historical data is often disseminated over many reports with varying quality.
3D models provide the best way to visually understand the HRSC subsurface data collected in the field.

Utilizing our 3D software, models are created using the subsurface data collected by our HRSC tooling that show lithology, migratory pathways, and visualizations of the subsurface plumes. The parameters used to show the lithology are the EC (Electric Conductivity), HPT (Hydraulic Profiling Tool) pressure and flow, and the Estimated K data which clearly shows the migratory pathways within the lithology of the site. The detectors used to create the 3D image of the targeted plume include the PID, FID, XSD from the MIHPT and fluorescence detected by the OIHPT. All of the parameters can be appended together in order to see lithological features overlaid with plumes. By taking advantage of the visual 3D models, remediation efforts can save time and money by being as efficient as possible while targeting the specific zones portrayed by the models.
As well as creating 3D models with the data collected in the field by our excellent team of HRSC Specialists, Eagle Synergistic can also analyze old HRSC and historical data collected in the past to create totally customizable models of your choosing. We take pride in analyzing all data to ensure the models are the most accurate representation of the subsurface.
During the process of creating the 3D models, our team is focused on having clear communication with our clients to ensure the accuracy of our data and to create project specific models that will most efficiently help the remediation process. After completion of each project our clients receive an extensive 3D model report which encompasses topics such as the procedures taken to create the models, notes on all data analysis, and explanations of lithology and plume diagrams. Along with the 3D model report, the client can also view and manipulate the models in the 3D model viewer.
As a company, Eagle Synergistic is committed to following up with each client to help answer any questions about their models and visualizations. If you are interested in learning more about our 3D capabilities or would like to learn more about our historic data program, please contact Janet Castle at 720-475-0022 or jcastle@eaglesynergistic.com.