Our Team & Technologies

Janet Castle is the President and Founder of Eagle Synergistic Optimizing Technologies. She has specialized in optimizing sites for most of her career.

President and Founder

Janet Castle, President and Founder of Eagle Synergistic Optimizing Technologies, LLC, is proud to announce the excellent and experienced Eagle Synergistic team! Our High Resolution Site Characterization Specialist Team has over 30 years experience in subsurface imaging, logging, sampling, consulting, 3-D modeling, geology, hydrogeology, and geophysics.  We are here to assist you in optimizing your environmental phase and your remediation phase by utilizing successful and cutting edge technologies.  We are a dynamic team with highly qualified and experienced personnel to better serve your needs and help you to meet your goals.

HRSC Specialist Team & Technologies

We work to utilize HRSC technology to “see” contamination plumes in order to help you efficiently remediate your site.  We take the guesswork out of it. With our services, you’ll save time and money upfront.

High Resolution tools have been around for a long time, rapidly evolving over the last few years. Many companies have begun to include ancillary services such as High-Resolution Site Characterization, as a path to becoming the forefront in site remediation. At Eagle Synergistic, we have prioritized High Res tools as our expertise, purposely keeping our goal precise. The safety of our world and public health has been compromised by contaminated water and our goal is to help restore it.

Eagle Synergistic's Locations & Project Experience

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Two HRSC workers pulling OIP tools out of command center vehicle

HRSC Subsurface Imaging Technologies

  • MIP/HPT- Membrane Interface Probe with Electrical Conductivity & Hydraulic Profiling Tool
  • OIP- Optical Image Profiler & Electrical Conductivity (comparable with LIF & UVOST technology)
  • OIHPT- OIP with Hydraulic Profiling Tool
  • LLMIP - Low Level MIP Detector
  • OIP-G - For heavier compound detections
  • DPT Water Sampling Technology
  • Quantitative Soil Sampling Partners/DPT/CPT
  • Portable Gas Chromatograph for groundwater, soil, and/or gas
  • 3-D Modeling Services

Federal Contracting Experience & Insurance Information

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
  • U.S. Department of Defense (USDOD)
U.S. Federal Qualifications - Environmental Protection Agency, Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense


Federal ID: 82-4504746 | UEI: MLXLJSMXVPH5 | Cage Code: 84P33

Set-Aside Qualifications:
8(a) Certified | WOSB | SAM (Registered) | SAME (Registered)

NAICS Codes:
562910 | 213112 | 237110 | 238910 | 541360 | 541380 | 541620 | 541990 | 213110

Work Area: International

Insurance: $5 Million


Ready to find out more?

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